"Hi there! I'm the disembodied head of Ian! Welcome to Sam's page of sound!

Click below for some weird sound files..."

Janitor CallThis started as a nice call, but once he decided not to play along, I kept rolling tape, went back and spliced some stuff around... Here's the call as it aired...

Bladder Busters"Here's one of my favorites!!"

Bobby Novosad Level CheckAt KSMB, our PD rolled his 4-Runner one night. Here's Bobby Novosad live with more...

KSMB AircheckThis is the audition tape I made from one crazy night in January '97. Nothing special, just another night at the office.

WVYB AircheckThis is my audition tape I made after an 8 hour shift (10a-4p) in Daytona Beach.
WBFA stuff coming soon!

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